MS Library
The Middle School library serves over 450 students in fifth- through eighth-grades. By providing access to a variety of information sources, services and materials the Middle School library supports the TCA middle school curriculum and meets the needs of students in regard to independent study and personal reading choices.
The Middle School collection consists of over 14,000 print materials including books, periodicals, audiobooks, DVDs and CDs. In addition to fun, fiction beach reads, non-fiction research materials, interesting biographies and more, the Middle School library collection contains current parenting resources available for parent check out and relevant classroom and teaching resources available to faculty and staff.
Fifth- and sixth-grade students attend a weekly Library/Tech class where they learn information literacy skills, computer skills, digital citizenship with a Biblical worldview and more. The curriculum focuses on research skills using both traditional print materials and also online resources. Additionally, fifth- and sixth-grade library classes foster a love of literature by promoting reading through book talks and student written book reviews.
Seventh- and eighth-grade students have the opportunity to check out books during PASTime and also once every other week when the book cart visits their History/English class period. Although seventh- and eighth-grade students do not have a traditional library class, these students still benefit from the book talks during these convenient, bi-weekly book cart visits.