Reading Support
In the Lower School, TCA offers a reading program referred to as The Reading Club. TCA’s Reading Support programs do not require additional fees. This instruction is not affiliated with the Learning Lab or Alphabet Phonics, nor is any diagnostic testing required to participate. Admission to the program is based on classroom assessments and teacher recommendations only.
Learning and the Brain:
- Children's Book Council
- International Children’s Digital Library
- Adolescent Literature
- International Reading Association
- American Library Association
- Best Books for Kids Who (Think They) Hate to Read (Book-Backes, Laura)
Study Skills:
Learning Differences, ADD/ADHD, & Dyslexia:
- LD Online
- Children & Adults with ADD/ADHD
- Driven to Distraction (Book-Hallowell, Edward)
- Helping Adolescents with ADHD & Learning Disabilities (Book-Greenbaum, J. & Markel, G.)
- Teenagers with ADD & ADHD: A Guide for Parents and Professionals (Book-Dendh, Chris)
- International Dyslexia Association
- Dallas Branch, International Dyslexia Association
- Overcoming Dyslexia (Book-Shaywitz, Sally)
Reading Activities & General Information: