- Director of Biblical Worldview
Character and Leadership
Character and leadership development at TCA start in Lower School...
...where students study and discuss monthly character qualities, recognize and reward the fruits of the Spirit, serve their school as student ambassadors and carpool helpers and hone their leadership and public speaking skills through student presentations, worship team and KTCA.
In Middle School, character and leadership development continue...
...through the house system, class curriculum and chapel lessons, and students exercise these skills through their roles as house and family leaders, admission ambassadors, student mentors and team and activity leaders.
Finally, in Upper School, a comprehensive student development curriculum...
...addresses social and emotional learning topics such as confidence, values, discernment and inclusivity, life readiness skills such as, fiscal responsibility, the dangers of social media and navigating college and leadership development through the 375 leadership opportunities, which focuses on cultivating authentic, adaptive and transformational leaders.
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10